AG7 Astronaut Pen

89,90 €
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This is the original Fisher Space Pen model that was used on the Apollo 7 space mission back in 1968 after two years of testing by NASA. The AG7 has been used in all manned space flights ever since.

The design and construction of this pen has not changed from the 1960's - the pen you buy today is exactly the same as the one taken to the moon in 1969. It is a heavy pen, and the weight rests reassuringly in your hand as you write. The AG7 is made from solid brass with an extremely hard chrome plating. The click mechanism feel pleasant - press down on the top to extend the refill, and press the side button to retract it. The special design makes sure that you'll always retract the point before you slide it in your pocket. It's made in USA, constructed of all brass and steel components of the highest quality.

The pen comes with a Fisher PR4 Black ink Medium point, pressurized ink cartridge that is capable of writing upside down, underwater and zero gravity.

The AG7 is used in all NASA Apollo and Shuttle missions, ISS International Space Station, Russian Soyuz and MIR space flights, French ARIANE Space Program, Everest North Face Ski Expedition.

Data sheet

  • Ink refill (included)
    Fisher Black Medium (PR4)
  • Made in
    United States
  • Material
  • Size
    127 mm, Ø 9,5 mm
  • Warranty
    Lifetime warranty

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
kaxa (Kansas City, US)
High quality, no question

Indeed a very high quality product and works very smoothly, but kinda tiny, thin little pen. Ok for couple of signatures, but not very comfortable for longer notes at business meetings.

Riikka (Tampere, FI)
Astronaut pen

Loistava kynä kirjoittaa. Sopivan painava ja tukeva. Ei sottaa.

Jakub (Poznan, PL)
Product exactly as Advertised

The pen was a gift to my father for Christmas. The workmanship is of the highest quality. The whole thing is sent in an interesting case, along with an information note describing the history of the creation and use of the pen. I heartily recommend it.

Pertti P. (Hollola, FI)
AG7 Astronaut Pen - Kynä

Kynä tekee juuri sen mitä luvataan, suosittelen lämpimästi.

Remus L. (Bucharest, RO)
My dream pen

Ever since I was a kid I dreamed about the NASA pen (it can write in 0 gravity, you know? :) ). Now I have one and it is everything I hoped it would be. Good quality, sturdy construction, beautiful chrome plating, good ergonomics and a very satisfying clicky action. Thank you, Fisher and Mukama!

Toimistosoturi (Lappeenranta, FI)
Paras kynä jokapäiväiseen käyttöön

Ensivaikutelma kynästä oli jämäkkyys ja hyvä koneistus ja osien yhteensopivuus. Kynä on selvästi tavallista muovikynää painavampi, tukevampi kädessä ja jopa kliksutteluäänet todella miellyttäviä.

Ostin kynän tavalliseen toimistotyöhön ja yksi mustepatruuna on toiminut jo n. 2v ajan eikä loppua näy. On hieno fiilis kun tietää että kynä toimii AINA ja missä vaan, toisin kuin tavalliset kynät joissa saa viikon jälkeen jo pyöritellä kärkeä paperiin että jälkeä tulee. Elinikäinen takuu varmistaa sen että tässä on todellakin loppuelämän kynä.

Ps. Ei tarvitse olla kynähifistelijä ymmärtääkseen laatua. Kollega lainasi kynää ja parin kirjaimen jälkeen pysähtyi kysymään mikä ihmeen kynä on näin loistava kirjoittaa.

Fisher Space Pen Co.

The history of Fisher Space Pen Co goes back to 1965 on the design desk of Paul Fisher. Since then, Fisher Space has become an iconic brand with its excptionally durable and well functioning pens.

We are authorized seller of each brand we represent and authenticity of every product is guaranteed. The manufacturer's warranty applies in all products.